We are a couple of frontline health care workers who got really bored in quarantine.


In March of 2020, the world shut down. We, a doctor and a nurse, reported to work in the Medical Intensive Care Unit, the haven for patients suffering from severe respiratory illness. During downtime in quarantine we enjoy tasting different craft beers and dipping into the wine cellar to relive some Napa favorites. One evening we experimented making a few small batches of candles in colorful cans and hand-cut wine bottles. They were an instant hit in the ICU and requests poured in for more. Over several months, we perfected our blends of soy wax and clean scents to produce a candle that burns clean, smells lovely, and looks great … Frontline Flame was born!

With the launch of the commerce site, we intend to give back to the frontline folks who donated their lives, time, and much of themselves during the pandemic. $1 from each unit sold will go in the Frontline Fund and donated back. Check out our Frontline Fund page for giveaways and programs.

Mask up and stay safe,

Mae & Chuck

Donate directly directly to the Frontline Fund.



Wine bottles complimentary of Panorama Wine Bar. @panoramawinebar

We accept empty clean cans for donation, especially for our favorite craft beers. Please email us to arrange and learn how to earn free candles at frontlineflame@gmail.com.